Monday, July 26, 2010

What Attitude are YOU wearing?

‘You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted.’ Ruth E. Renkl

Do you know people that just always seem happy and upbeat? As if nothing in the world can bring them down? They keep a smile on their face and a positive attitude in their heart. When you are around this type of person, their positive energy tends to *rub off* on you and you feel more upbeat and alive!

Conversely, do you know people that always seem to be grumpy or in a bad mood? You know the type, the negative Nelly that just refuses to see the good in anything or anyone. When you are around this type of person you can almost FEEL them draining your energy!

Well, these two types of people really have a lot more in common with each other than you think! The commonality is that they both have the opportunity to CHOOSE how they want to look at life.

For example, when you are getting ready to start your day you probably look in your closet and CHOOSE which outfit you want to wear based on how you are feeling that day, or what the weather is like outside. Well, the same is true about our attitudes. We really do get to pick how we want to view our lives! We can be positive and upbeat, or we can be negative and unhappy.
In life everyone will face their own challenges, obstacles, and not so happy situations, that is inevitable. You cannot know joy if you don’t experience pain. However, you can choose how you want to deal with it! You can release the anger and sadness and move forward with a positive mindset, or you can hold on to the unhappiness and let it fester inside of you until you can’t see the forest for the trees!

So, next time you are around someone who is positive, upbeat and happy….thank them for making such a wise decision on what attitude they chose to wear!

Make today a Masterpiece! Leah & Jen

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