Thursday, May 6, 2010

Learning to Let Go!

"Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head." - Ann Landers

Do you have a tendancy to hold on to events that have happened inyour past? Do you play the events over and over in your head, berating yourself for what you should have done or not done? Are you harboring anger or resentment towards others that you feel have wronged you in the past? This isn't healthy for you or your life!

Most people tend to do one of three things when they are dealing with an uncomfortable situation, whether past or present:

1. They worry about it! Even though they have no control over the past nor can they predict the future. When we worry about things we are absolutely depleting our greatest resources....our time and our energy! You know the old saying there is no use crying over spilt milk? That is very true. What is done, is done....and the longer you worry about it, the less time and energy you have to move forward with your goals, dreams, and life!

2. They fix the problem. If we are faced with a situation or circumstance that we don't like, we ALWAYS have the option to try to fix the situation. For example, if you have had an arguement with someone that has led to a very tense relationship, you can always step up and apologize, even if you don't feel you were the person at fault. The outcome of *fixing* the problem is much more important than who is (or was) to blame for it.

3. They forget about it! Sometimes there are things that happen in life that we just can't fix. Life presents us with situations like divorce, death, losing a job, not getting the promotion, illness, etc. These can be life changing events and the manner in which we deal with them can carve out the map for how the rest of our life plays out. Do you want to spend years of your life replaying these events over and over in your head or do you want to put it to rest and move on with your life? When we learn to forget about it, we are releasing the anger, fear, resentment, etc and choosing to move forward.

So, think about what category you fall in to. And, if it isn't the category you want for yourself, determine how you want to deal with issues in the future.

Make Today a Masterpiece!
Jen and Leah

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