Monday, September 21, 2009

ReAlign to the Times

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending!" Maria Robinson

Many times in our lives BIG changes happen that can cause us to feel a little out of whack or out of sorts! These changes can derail us from following the "life plan" we have set for ourselves. Some of these changes include divorce, loss of a job, an unexpected health crisis, or even our children leaving home.

What can we do to make it safely through these turbulent life changes when, everything seems to be spinning out of control?

It often times can leave us feeing like as though we are trying to maneuver a canoe in a choppy river without a paddle! Frustrating and impossible!

One thing you can do is realign yourself and your life plan. The very definition of realign is to 'align anew or better'. It is time to slow down and get a new perspective on what you are doing and where you are going in life.

Instead of viewing these life changes as setbacks, make the decision to embrace the change and redirect your course! Look at these changes as new beginnings as opposed to dead ends.

You most likely have experienced many changes or "redirections" in your life already; which at the time seemed impossible to overcome or recover.

We challenge you to think about a time in the past, where you life suddenly changed, without warning.

How did it feel when it happened?
Could you see the new path right away?
How about when you were able to get back on course or even change the course - didn't it make you feel empowered?

Many times that is when we learn our most valuable lessons.

Everyone will experience these types of changes in their lives. It's inevitable! But, knowing that you have the ability to redirect your course and set a new path is powerful!

So, make a promise to yourself to Realign to the Times, and enjoy the ride!

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