Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's FALL! Let's celebrate the change of seasons!

Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. ~Stanley Horowitz

Have you noticed anything different lately? The air outside feels a little cooler, the trees are starting to lose their leaves, and the mercury in the thermometer is not going up quite as high these days! The weather is changing! Not by leaps and bounds, but slight and subtle changes that let us know a new season is approaching.

Yahoo! Fall has finally arrived! To many of us that call Florida home, this is a welcome relief from the hot, humid days of summer.

The changing of the seasons is always a good time to reflect on the changes in our lives. It’s like Mother Nature’s gentle way of reminding us to slow down, take stock in our lives and remember that the only thing constant in life is change.

Like the seasons, our lives are also changing each day, month, and year. As we grown and evolve, we receive wonderful opportunities to change, re-invent, re-evaluate, and re-focus on who we are and what we want out of our lives!

Remember, even simple changes can lead to big results!

This week we challenge you to think about your own life. Are there areas in your life that need to little bit of tweaking? Think about the 5 areas of your life (we call this your Balanced Palette) and ask yourself what you really want from each area! Write it down and set some goals to improve in each of your 5 areas: Relationships, Financial, Physical Environment, Health & Emotion, and Spirituality.

If you need some encouragement and support along the journey, check out our new CD Series: Creating Your Masterpiece: A 30 Day Guide to Becoming the Artist of YOUR Life! This is an awesome cd created specifically for those who are ready to take their life to the next level! To order, visit http://www.CreatingYourMasterpiece.com


jojo said...

i love how you've kept the idea of "creating your masterpiece" theme thru out. Your balance palette. perfect!

Anonymous said...

I agree!