Thursday, March 26, 2009

Four tips to staying Positive!

It is time to make the paradigm shift from living reactively to living proactively. First we need to realize that we cannot control the outcome of any situtation, we can only control our thoughts, words, and actions. As Zig Ziglar says: You can’t control the national economy, you can only control our personal economy.
It seems nowadays, we are focusing so much of our time on things we can’t control it is overwhelming! So, how do we keep our cool and and stay focused and positive?
Here are 4 tips:
Re-vamp – this really means be proactive. We’ve been in a reactive state for a long time, re-vamp it and get proactive. There is a lot of negativity out there today, and we spend a lot of energy focusing on this and reacting to it. Stop , breathe, re-vamp. You are in control of your life. Worrying about things you have no control over is a waste of time.
Re-focus – You need to get very clear on exactly where you are, and where you want to be. Create an action plan specific to where you want to be. What steps do you need to take to get there? Don’t stick head in sand. What is the worst outcome, deal with it. Feel the fear and do it anyway. What is YOUR action plan for your life?
Re-evaluate what is important to you! Are you doing the things that are important to you? Are you spending time with those people who are important to you? If not, you need to re-evaluate why you aren't and make some changes.
Re-energize – Take care of you. Self-care is no longer a luxury. There are new rules in this game.. Make yourself a priority. Commit to devoting 1 hour per day just for you. Rediscover what brings you happiness and joy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The first 15 minutes of my daily run is your revs me up and points the days direction toward my "ME time!" -WJ