This summer we had the awesome experience of attending the National Speakers Association Conference. We had the opportunity of hearing many excellent speakers who inspired, motivated and provided positive messages in all shapes and forms. One speaker in particular that inspired us was Karen Cortell Reisman. Now, her name might not be a household word, but you may be familiar with her famous cousin - Albert Einstein.
Interestingly enough, she didn’t talk all about her famous cousin; instead she told the story of her parents and how they went about making decision in their lives. She compared their decision making strategy to that of birds, yes….birds.
Have you ever had a decision to make? A really big one?? Did you feel like you needed to make the decision quickly? Well, DON'T do that. When we need to make big decisions, we need to take time to make them.
Karen actually can be broke down the decision making process into three stages (back to the BIRDS) according to the birds!
The first step is PERCHING. This is what birds do before making any major decision. They just sort of sit there, and THINK....they contemplate every issue of the decision....they weigh the consequences....they PONDER. And, most importantly, they take their time. We typically don't allow ourselves enough time to perch. But, we really should! Allow yourself the time to really think about the decision you have to make, and think it through, weighing out the pros and cons of each possible action. There is no time limit, only YOURS.
Step two is when we FLAP our wings...this happens when we have determined the route we want to take. So, when we *flap our wings* we are really creating our action plans.....figuring out what we need to do to get there. A very important step in the whole process!
The final step we take in the process is taking flight! This is when we set off to begin achieving our dreams. We have thought it through, we have our action plan, and now we are ready to soar!
Please allow yourself to go through all the three steps...don't miss any of them. Each one is very important to the ultimate move you make. You don't have to be the Energizer Bunny with every action you take...............remember to Perch. You must PERCH before you can FLY! Take the time to really get in tune with what it is you want to do. Relax, allow yourself the time, space and freedom that you need to determine your life plan.
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