Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring Cleaning For YOUR Soul

"Spring or not, it is time for some spring cleaning of your values. Time has past, you have grown, changed, etc., and yet you probably have kept many of the same values, ideas, etc. that you always had. Take some time to think about what really matters to you now, and compare it to what you thought 5 years ago. Chances are you will find some areas you have new opinions on, and yet you may still be acting in ways that do not match these new values."
-- Edward W. Smith, Sixty Seconds To Success

It's almost spring time! And spring represents a time of re-birth, a new beginning, and a chance to get organized and focused. In some ways, it is an opportunity to start anew! For those of you who live up north, spring time also means the weather finally gets warmer and you just naturally feel better when you can get outside and enjoy! Flowers are blooming, the grass is getting green again, and the days last a little longer…it is enough to get ANYONE feeling better!

It is also a tradition for many people that when spring time rolls around it’s time to do a little ‘Spring Cleaning’ in the house. This is when people go through their homes, room by room, dusting, vacuuming, cleaning and examining their items to determine what stays and what gets tossed. This is one of the primary reasons you see so many folks holding garage sales this time of year.

Well, spring is not only an excellent time to clean your *external* house, but it's also a good time to clean your “internal* house as well! Basically, we all have two houses, our external house – which is the physical structure in which we live; and our internal house – which is our mind, body and soul. There is a direct correlation between these two houses! If our external houses feel cluttered and disorganized, then our internal house is probably feeling a little discombobulated as well!

In order to have focus, motivation and joy in your life, you must take the action steps required to create a balance between your two houses! Have you noticed that when your external house is cluttered and disorganized that you tend to feel anxious and overwhelmed?
So, why not use this time to take a good look at yourself and examine all areas of your life. Go through each *room* of your life and determine what is working - what isn’t, what things you want to keep and what things you want to toss. An easy way to get started with this task is to refer back to the Five key Areas of your life (your life palette).

Those five areas include:
Physical Environment

So, let’s take charge of our lives and do some ‘spring cleaning’ for both our houses!

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