Monday, February 16, 2009

Trashing Those Tolerations!!

This week I have
personally experienced A LOT of tolerations. What is a toleration - you ask? A toleration is anything that zaps or drains your precious energy. The things that “we put up with” can drive us crazy, literally, and the stress that results can decrease our lifespan. Tolerations may seem like mere annoyances, but when you make a list of all the things you actually are tolerating, the impact incurred comes clearly into focus.
The good news is tolerations were made to be trashed, and once they are, you get your power back and regain control of your life. The first step you must take is to identify the tolerations you have in your life.You can do this by mentally going through your day or your home. For me, this week my dog Cocoa and her behaviors have been a MAJOR toleration. Cocoa has single-handidly: pulled out every sentricon termite monitor in the backyard, eaten 2 landscape lights, and nibbled on every sprinkler head we have! UGGHHH....(Here is a clue - you know it's a toleration when you say UGGHHH)

An example for you might be: small repairs that need to be done around the home, a child that doesn't put away toys, or (my personal favorite) looking in your closet and having everything from a size 6 to a size 12, but you still don't have anything to wear!!!

So, how do we trash these tolerations? You make a list of all the things you are tolerating (don't be surpirsed if there are over 100) and TRASH them…just check them off the list! There may be some tolerations you are unable to trash by yourself, and that’s when you HIRE someone to do it for you! For me, today I met with the landscape/yard service/termite company and the tolerations are getting trashed! Plus, it was a lot easier than getting rid of the dog!
Once you are toleration free, you have more time and energy to spend on the things YOU want to do………….like a day at the spa!
So, make a commitment to yourself to get toleration free!

1 comment:

jojo said...

i don't like that word. Tolerations. How bout acquiescences... :) When it comes to animals i "tolerate" alot. With humans? not so much.

I think you gave me a blog idea... :)